Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Great Surprise

Well, when we picked up the girls.. The Director said that they may stay the night with us. They were so excited. They are counting the days everyday till they never have to go back to the Desky Doma. They had smiles so big. They are ready to come home as we are. We believe we will be home soooooon. They looked so cute in their new PJs. They seemed to sleep well, we got the biggest hugs in the morning. I can't wait to be able to get hugs from all of our kids. :) I will be the happiest Mama in the world. :)


Hello to C,J,T,J. We love you guys. Where are our comments?? Miss ya. Good talking with you. Talk soon.

Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so happy for you all....wonderful thing proud of you

hows C doing after aiming @ the power-pole & hitting it? good aim kiddo wink wink
hugz to all the rest T & J you guys missed the grapes this yr.
best to JD & Jake