Friday, November 16, 2007

Last Night in Ukraine

It is currently 7:40pm and we are all excited to be flying home tomorrow. Gail talked to her sister and was told that everyone was very excited back home and can't wait to see us.

Today was a good day. We walked around the city of Kyiv and got to see some of the sights. It was cool to be able to get a close up look at the iron maiden statue they have here. It's a statue of a women holding a shield and sword, she was donated by the Russians and she faces Moscow. After seeing the statue, we were able to walk through some of the old churches, some from the 17th century. When we got back to our friends flat we had home made pizza for dinner.

Olya told Gail that she wants to go home (in America), Nadya is scared and says that she wants to go back to Desky Doma (the orphanage). It will be an interesting trip home due to this being the first time that Nadya has ever flown. Should be a fun time. We haven't told the girls yet but we have planned to have a limo pick us up at the airport in San Francisco to take us home. They should be pretty stoked about it, every time they see a limo here we have to stop so that they can stare at it.

So, our next post will be on U.S. soil and we will be posting pictures. We look forward to seeing everyone back home again, it's been a long haul for us. It's the longest we have ever been away from our other children and not something that we look forward to doing again.

Hugs and Kisses to our kids back home, we will see you tomorrow.

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