Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well, what have we been up too.

I do not know where this month has gone. I can't even remember what happened. I need to check my calendar.

Lets see if I can jog my memory.

Olya and Nadya had dentist apts and Dr apt. They both had a clean bill of health. Olya even had a ECO cardiogram. They said no restrictions.

Julianna finished cheerleading. Tamara recieved Honor Roll again.

Jacob had a few band concerts. He thinks he will not play BAND next year. He is starting on the Jr Worship team for youth.

Chris made the VARSITY volleyball team.

James.. truck is out of commission at the moment.. OH and BIGGEST Thing that he did was get a Tatoo.

Life at this time is coming into a busy season. Volleyball is starting. 3 of the 4 girls are trying out. So will be running in alot of different directions.

I will post pictures of his tatoo and Mr Varsity in the days to come.
Julianna will turn 15 tomorrow. Life is great..

Hello to all reading this.. A little glimpse into are busy life. I will try and post as I can.

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