Sunday, May 24, 2009

A sad day!

It was a sad day. A day that we had to say good bye to our cat Bandit. He was 12 years old. He was not doing well the last few months. We thought that he just had a thyroid problem. He weighed in at 5 pounds. We put him on some meds, but he did not get any better. He was not eating, not using the cat box. Then one day I came home from work and he had past. It was sad, but we were glad he was not in anymore pain. We dug a hole in the backyard and now their he lays. We will miss his sweet kisses and his moments of pawing us. He loved to hold our fingers. Sweet dreams little buddy. We will miss you..


junglemama said...

Oh, I am sorry. Goodbye kitty.

My Three Sons said...

Sorry to hear about your kitty. We had a dog that we grew fond of and with Carson's asthma I had to give her away. I know it's not quite the same, but we did lose a family member.

Unknown said...

waiting for you on the other side along with the family.....he takes us all home.....
love & miss you all
HUGS all round.. \ofob & fartette say hi to james & tonja be sure to check in with aunt billie & i hope the dance was a huge success
take the time to say i Love you.
Do something special 4 anyone no matter how small..