Sunday, September 2, 2007

They keep us busy....

This was a trip we took to pick up our oldest from school. We stopped somewhere in Washington. I cannot remember the name. LOL..... I love pictures. They get tired of me asking them to pose. They do though. Aren't they the cutest??? My dad emailed me and said the name of the falls is Snoqualimie Falls, in North Bend WA. Thanks dad. :)


Tonya said...

Love the picture! I know you are so excited to be leaving so soon!!! Those last weeks before our appointment both dragged and flew by for me. I'll never forget the trip to the airport and taking off on that plane! Finally being on the way. How exciting it is to add a new member to the family!

Jenni said...

Great photo! I'm excited for you guys to make your trip. I hope all goes well with the final preparations.