Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm a GRANDMA!!!

Well, not officially. My oldest son now has his first pet of his own. I was not sure if I was ready to be a grandma, but I guess I will take it in animal form. :D She is a 12 weeks old. Her breed is a Red Nose Pitt Bull. She was given to him by his friend, who was tired of puppy/potty training. Oh boy! That is a sore spot with me...

Well, I had to share my first Granddaughter. LOL.. She is a cutie. Not sure how much she weighs.

The big boys just LOVE her. Abby on the other hand had a few... letting know who is the boss moments today. The big boys, were teaching her to chill and eat pig ears. It is very cute to watch her follow what they do. She is doing really good. I got/had to babysit her today, while her daddy went to work. We mopped the floor together. Well, she actually was trying to eat the mop and was chasing it while I pushed it back and forth. She had only 2 accidents in the house, Not bad.

JD is crate training her and she will bark when she first goes in. We told JD what he needed to do. Which is to spray her with the water bottle, or to have a soda can with pennies in it. Shake it when she barks. She is so smart, she has already learned. She will now whine for about 5 min, then off to sleep she goes or just lays there quietly.

I am now officially booted off jury duty. YEAH!!!

1 comment:

Flush said...

She is so cute!!!!! (now I want a pitbull puppy LOL!)