Friday, February 6, 2009

It's all about the conversation...

Today seemed to be the day where I did alot of talking.
I spent about 1 hr just chatting with my dad. That was nice. We have not done that in a long time. Then I spent about 1 hr chatting with my brother. He is my BIG brother, so that was fun. He was just checking in on his little sis. (Smile)

Then we just spent the last 4 1/2 hrs chatting with Chris g/f's dad Walter. We had a tons of laughs. It was good for the soul.. We seem to have hit it off well. We look forward to the next time we get together..

Thank God it is Friday. My brain had alot of adult stimulation today.. (smile) Now time for bed... :D

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

I love the heart in the sky. That is a very cool picture.

I had two dogs and I know what you mean. I was outnumbered with two dogs and three boys.

Always good to have those adult conversations. I had a friend call me last Sunday and ended up talking to her for over 5 hours on the phone. I couldn't believe it but it felt really good.

Hope you have a great weekend.