Sunday, August 10, 2008

History Makers verses the OLD FOLKS

We had a fun game of softball with the Men's ministries of our church. We all meet on Sat @9:30 am to have some fun. Boy did we..

Some pics of the fun.. The rules were amazing..

1st inning: Normal pitch
2nd inning: Dbl inning everything counts as double. Team must get 6 outs. Only 2 pitches.
3rd inning: Batter tosses up and hits the ball, 2 tosses per batter.
4th inning: Turn the other cheek, bat opposite hand and run to the bases backwards.
5th inning: Opposite( to be explained after 9th inning)
6th inning: Frisbee, 3 tosses
7th inning: Tennis ball and racket
8th inning: Kickball
9th inning: Normail 3 pitch

We WON 21-16.... They did well...

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